“Today, I'm announcing a seven point plan to lower health care costs for all Americans and again to make our healthcare system…the best in the world.” May 24, 2007
“I'm proposing a new progressive plan to restore that American dream and to give all Americans the chance to compete and prosper in the global economy.” May 29, 2007
“Today, I want to lay out my three point plan for how I would…bring our troops home, work to bring stability to the region, and replace a military force with a new diplomatic initiative to engage countries around the world in securing Iraq's future and America's national security interests.” July 10, 2007
“I will direct the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare a comprehensive plan to provide the highest quality health care, disability benefits, and social services for every single service member.” July 10, 2007
“So as part of this global humanitarian effort, governments in both the Middle East and the West as well as here in the United States, have to take in asylum seekers, with the Commissioner of Refugees developing a plan to help them return to Iraq once the country has stabilized.” July 10, 2007
“Today I'm announcing another one of my plans…to create a fund called the Green Building Fund: 1 billion dollars a year that will be given in grants to states and localities to help make buildings more efficient…put 50,000 people to work.” July 24, 2007
“The other parts of my energy security plan would be to create a 50 billion dollar fund. The model for this comes from things we've already done: the Apollo program, the Manhattan Program.” July 24, 2007
“So…today, I am announcing my Youth Opportunity Agenda -- which goes hand in hand with the Opportunity Compact. This is my plan, as your President, to build that village.” July 27, 2007
“So that's why today I'm announcing a four-part plan for how I, as president, would address abuses across the mortgage industry -- a plan to curb unfair lending practices and hold brokers and lenders accountable, give families the support they need to avoid foreclosure, and increase the supply of affordable housing.” August 7, 2007
“My Rebuild America Plan which will create millions of good new jobs, elevate our standard of living, and enhance our ability to compete in the world marketplace.” August 8, 2007
“And these are the key components of my health care plan--lowering costs for everyone, improving quality for everyone, and providing coverage for everyone…That is what my Health Care Quality Plan tries to do. …And next month, I will announce my plan for universal coverage.” August 23, 2007
“We need to get back to a sense of responsibility in the federal government and then we've got to look at how we're going to create new jobs by a new energy plan that puts people to work in America by going ahead and combating global warming right here at home.” September 15, 2007
“Today I released my agenda to restore and strengthen the civil rights mission of the Department of Justice. It is a five-point plan that will meet the challenges of this time. The first is to begin undoing the damage of the past years. I want an Attorney General who will conduct a thorough review and report back with recommendations on how to restore the Department's traditional role in enforcing civil rights and respecting the rule of law. ” September 15, 2007
“I have proposed creating a health information technology infrastructure as part of my health care plan, the American Health Choices Plan.” October 4, 2007
“The Strategic Energy Fund is only the beginning. In the coming weeks, I will outline in more detail my plans as President to move toward energy independence.” October 4, 2007
“[O]n Thursday I will outline my plan for making college affordable, including modernizing the HOPE Scholarship Program that provides tax credits to help young people attend college.” October 8, 2007
“I'll be outlining in more detail my plan to help Americans save, invest, and build wealth for retirement tomorrow because we know we've got to tackle that as well.” October 8, 2007
“Today I propose a new economic blueprint for the twenty-first century economy: A plan to create the new, good jobs essential to broad-based prosperity, to restore fairness to our economy, and to renew that basic bargain that if you work hard you can get ahead and we will put our fiscal house in order.” October 8, 2007
“I believe we can create jobs if we invest in our infrastructure -- our roads, our bridges, our public transit, and our virtual infrastructure, which is why I appreciated Deb talking about my Connect America plan.” October 11, 2007
“And today here…I want to unveil my plan as president to expand access to the American dream…First, I will create a new, $3,500 college tax credit…under my plan we'll work to hold college costs down and we will hold colleges accountable for the results.” October 11, 2007
“I've laid out my plans to bring our troops home from Iraq and demand that the Iraqis take responsibility for their own country, replace our military involvement with an intensive diplomatic initiative in the area.” October 16, 2007
“So as president, I will move to establish the 21st-century oversight we need in a 21st-century global marketplace. I will call for an immediate review of these new investment products and for plans to make them more transparent.” November 19, 2007
“My American Health Choices Plan lets you keep your existing coverage if you like it, but it provides affordable choices if you don't have them, and it covers every single American.” November 24, 2007
“I've put forward a plan to crack down on unscrupulous mortgage brokers, to end lending abuses, and expand the financial counseling programs that have been shown to reduce defaults and foreclosures.” December 5, 2007
“[[i]Remarks on an Economic Stimulus Plan] “[M]y [tax] plan focuses on middle class and hardworking families who deserve the relief and need the help right now… First, I'm proposing a thirty billion dollar fund to help hard-hit communities and distressed home owners whether the foreclosure crisis…Second, I'm calling for comprehensive action to end the housing crisis and keep it from dragging down the entire economy…[N]ext, we've got to invest in emergency energy assistance for families with skyrocketing heating bills this winter…Fourth, I would extend and expand unemployment insurance, including doubling the number of weeks people are eligible for assistance…I would immediately implement a Green Building Fund to rebuild and renovate public buildings like schools, like municipal buildings, like law enforcement buildings, to make them more energy efficient…I would also pursue a crash weatherization plan to help people insulate their homes…We need to have a Strategic Energy Fund that is looking at how we have new technology like what you are doing right here, with everything from our vehicles to our homes to our businesses to our utilities and make it a comprehensive plan.” January 11, 2008
“I think that the people of Nevada…want somebody who's going to give them solutions, not just rhetoric. They want to hear what it is you're going to do, and I have been very specific about my plans, because I want to be held accountable.” January 19, 2008
“We need both an immediate, short-term plan to jumpstart the economy – and a long-term economic vision with strategies to keep the economy going well into the future…We have to stop the crisis but then we have to plan for an economy that will keep generating good new jobs, and clean energy is our best bet…What we have to do is have a plan to create good jobs and restore fairness to the economy. We need to renew the promise of America that if you work hard, you can get ahead. We need to return to fiscal responsibility, so that Washington once again lives within a budget, just like you and your family has to do.” January 24, 2008
“I have plans to create five million new, green collar jobs. And…my opponent [Obama] doesn't have much experience creating jobs at all…Now, if only he would just copy my health care plan and provide coverage for every single American! So there's the difference between us – speeches versus solutions. Talk versus action.” February 13, 2008
“I'm not just going to talk about what's wrong with NAFTA, I'm going to fix it and I have a four-point plan to do exactly that.” February 19, 2008
“Senator Obama promises to withdraw from Iraq within 16 months. But his top foreign policy adviser said he's not really going to rely on that plan. I guess that plan is just words, too.” March 11, 2008
Hillary’s Philly Speech Agenda
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